Washington road trip day 5

This was the first experience of two wheeled road trips for Lesley and she handled it impeccably.

Weather checked, not looking good. The 10 degree drop that occurred between leaving home  on Saturday morning and waking up on Sunday morning had remained and it made riding chilly. The traffic speeds experienced the previous day were probably going to be the norm if we headed to Seattle so the decision was made. Head for home.

Despite being on scooters, the bikers that joined us on the 8.45 ferry to Coupeville were happy to chat as we made our way across the Sound. I’ve found bike snobbery to be fairly uncommon here which is refreshing. No inferiority complex, no ‘cc’ envy and I can certainly handle that.

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The ride home was pretty uneventful. We made our way back up Whidbey Island, on to the mainland and back on to the minor roads. Chuckanut Drive was once again appreciated and after a personal and Vespa re-fuel in Fairhaven, it was on to the border. An easy crossing, no line up thank goodness. I’m really not sure what the border guards think when a couple of scoots show up and the riders say they’ve been as far as Port Townsend. I think the Vespa’s are always seen as 50cc machines, so the guards just probably shake their heads in private.

650 Km had been covered over the 5 days. Lesley hadn’t even ridden a scoot until April, so to complete the trip was a great achievement. I’ve also learnt one or two things. I became frustrated at having to keep pulling over for cars when we were riding the 101. The scoot will cruise fine at 60-70 mph, but when traffic is moving faster, I felt I had to get out of the way. Again, it comes back to being on a scoot. If I was on a motorbike I just feel that car drivers wouldn’t be as impatient, it’s all part of that ‘scoots are 50cc town things’ mentality.  I’d have covered many more miles on the Ducati, however, this was a slow tour, it was the scootour and so remembering the guiding principles of fun and relaxation, the time away was successful.

Would I scootour again? At the moment I’m not sure. I’d need to find more minor roads to really get the best out of a road trip by Vespa, so I’m going for 7/10, which isn’t bad for a first experience.

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