The AmeriVespa shots

It was my longest ride, the sun shone, I saw lots of scooters.

I enjoy riding my Vespa, a GTS 300. It's great fun, powerful enough to keep up with traffic and comfortable enough to use as daily transport in good weather. This year, AmeriVespa was being held in Seattle and it seemed like a no-brainer. I should go and investigate how scooter rally's are done over here. In short, the answer was fine.

This would be a short roadtrip yet my longest ride on the scoot. Even though the GTS can run at highway speeds I wanted to take it easy and enjoy the ride rather than have to keep the 'cagies' at bay. Over the border at Sumas and State Route 9 provided the relaxed ride there, the Mukilteo ferry, Whidbey Island and Chuckanut Drive offering up the scenery on my return route.

The highlight was certainly being part of around 100 scoots, mostly Vespas, on the Saturday Weird Seattle ride. I also discovered the Seattle Seafare festival, an event I'd not come across before.

My big takeaway was that scooter rally's are most likely best experienced as part of a larger group. Next time!


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