Olympus Trip - Vancouver streets and shadows

Photo walks with the Olympus Trip

I've been getting back into shooting film again recently, using my Olympus Trip 35, point-and-shoot. The camera is around 40 years old and still in great condition with a working light sensor and a sharp lens. Its portability and simplicity make it great for street shooting so I headed into Vancouver and Maple Ridge...

Mille Miglia in Siena

Mille Miglia close and personal

It's evocative. It sets the pulse racing. From 1927 to 1957, the Mille Miglia was a road race, starting and finishing in Brescia in the north and travelling as far south as Rome. Established by two counts, Francesco Mazzotti and Aymo Maggi, this was a 1000-mile race for Grand Touring cars. With eleven wins...

A portrait of Stefan

Stefan’s Story

When I go back to the UK after a while I get that feeling that I just want to go ‘home’, which to me is now Vancouver...

Lissy in Gastown

Lissy’s Story

“I knew I wanted to be here from that first trip.  The landscape, the people, the lifestyle blew me away.” At times, Vancouver seems to be all about the natural environment. I met Lissy for her photoshoot in Gastown. I really appreciated that Lissy wanted to steer clear of the tourist parts of the...

Gemma at Granville Island

Gemma’s Story

“For me, it was definitely based on instinct. I can’t really explain it but I just felt like I needed to be here.” Being here I met with Gemma on a cold evening on Granville Island, She loves the vibe of the place as well as the views. As with all my Brits in...

Downtown before Christmas

You’ll find lights everywhere at this time of year and Vancouver is no different. On the run up to Christmas we took a trip to English Bay. The idea was to check out Unsilent Night, however when we arrived it seemed that Unsilent Night was rather too silent. So, we just had a wander...

Image is everything

Well, maybe image isn’t everything. But, I wanted to post another random set of pics from the first 5 weeks here. I’m trying to get in to the habit of snapping away with the phone whilst I’m out, just to capture the moment. As someone that’s a touch fussy when it comes to photography,...

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