My breath was held. Games like this against lower or non-league opposition have time after time proven Charlton’s downfall. To the more seasoned Addick, this game was 1-0 Halifax certainty.

But this season is different and the Addicks continue to score for fun. Another 4 goals, that’s 19 in the last 5 games, put paid to any giant killing hopes and Charlton are a game away from a possible money spinning third round tie against one of the current ‘big boys’. Check out the match report.
I’m supposed to be becoming Canadian, but I’m afraid that I still don’t get the idea of an 80 game season that doesn’t have a winner. So, sorry Canucks, you’ll have to wait a little longer to gain my affection. Oh, and as for the Whitecaps, I seriously hope the second MLS season is an improvement on this one. The fanbase is certainly there, the enthusiasm is too, Unfortunately the defence has been absent on far too many occasions and the ability to find the back of the regularly has also been a feature of the season. Amazingly Whitecaps end their MLS debut year with 2 of the 4 goals of the season. If only these flew in every week,