Yes it’s been a long time. Yes, I said I would be more diligent with my blogging and no, I haven’t been anything like diligent.
However, it’s a new year and rather than make daft resolutions and promises to blog more frequently let’s just say that I’ll try.
Rather than dwell on what’s been I’d rather look forward to what is likely to be a very challenging year. I’ve decided to finish my MSc in Environmental Decision Making by completing a research project and dissertation. It’s something that’s been on hold since my first redundancy, back in 03, so I thought it high time that I kicked the grey matter back in to action. I have to admit to being both excited and rather terrified as I set out on this journey as I’ve not studied to this depth in the past. Having said that, once finished it’ll be the icing on the academic cake, so I’m giving it a real good go.
Back to the lack of blogging. I’m also trying out a neat application, ecto to try and make getting blog entries up easier as there’s no need to log in to my site to prepare posts. Again, we’ll see how it goes.
I’m not going to write anything on the amount of snow that the Lower Mainland has suffered over the last fortnight (at least 3ft) as it’s been well recorded and Lesley has some great pics over on her Picasa site so check out this set and this set.
So, a slightly belated Happy New Year to everyone and keep checking back.