You may remember, back in 2004, the launch of a new, high quality bottled water, Dasani. It was launched in the UK by Coca Cola amid a £7 million marketing push. Unfortunately for Coke, it was discovered that this top quality, pure bottled water was pretty much nothing other than Sidcup tap water, originating from the Thames [tgwwc] and it’s high tech purification process was well, domestic grade really.
So, imagine the smile on my face when I discover that Dasani is everywhere I look around Vancouver and the lower mainland. In fact, it would seen that it’s everywhere other than Europe [wiki]
Interestingly, when I followed the link ‘About Dasani’ I found that far from hiding the fact that Dasani is local water (although no mention is made of ‘tap’), Coke are making it a selling point. They do still insist that the purification process is state-of-the-art, which is probably true, however the state-of-the-art process, reverse osmosis [wiki], is also widely available for domestic grade purification units. Coke also add that once purified a special blend of minerals are added to enhance the taste – darn it, got me on that one.
So, Canada, enjoy your enhanced tap water. Dasani disappeared from the shelves in the UK as quickly as it had appeared, although I don’t think there was a £7 million campaign associated with it’s leaving the market.
Things go better with truth, eh!
October 26, 2010
I can remember this scandal, I think they got the idea from an episode of ‘Only Fools and Horses’!!!!
October 26, 2010
And the great thing is, the water still is ‘local’ so Del Boy would clean up.