I was browsing LinkedIn the other day and came across a short TED video on being civil to get ahead in one's career....
Waking up
Life sometimes gets in the way. Despite having ample opportunity to put finger-to-keyboard over the last two years, I’ve chosen not to. Blogging for me was always going to be a personal experience and reflective outlet and that’s still the case. I have been focussed over the last couple of years on building a...
Changing the commute
I’ve recently changed the commute. The second car has gone and in it’s place is transit and a scooter. It’s been a mixed experience, but on the whole a good one. After a year of driving to and from Richmond I decided that I’d have enough of the line-ups along the Mary Hill Bypass...
Changing jobs
After months of trying to crack both the local job market and consulting market I finally resorted to my transferable skills to try and generate some regular income. But not for long. A difficult decision had to be made after a huge disappointment. A 3-4 month contract that I’d been offered verbally last November...
Catching up on the post
Over the next few days I’ll be posting quite a few catch up stories. I thought long and hard about going back over the last few months and posting about the things I’ve been up to with the family. Although these events have long gone and the pics are on Picasa for all to...
Hidden treasure
As a follow up to my last post I thought I’d add that help is at hand for all professional job hunters in the Vancouver area. However, it’s a case of unearthing the buried treasure. There seems to be a multitude of Provincial and National Government funded programmes that the intrepid professional job hunter...
What they don’t tell you when you apply
Is it naivety or could I have prepared better than I did? What’s become very apparent is that Canadian employers do not offer a level playing field to new entrants. I’ve been told stories about professional people arriving, seeking employment and ending up in the land of under-employment (in jobs far below their potential)....