Seattle has been a bit of a fixture for me over the last couple of months. Following Amerivespa in July I visited the Flying Heritage Collection earlier in August. Last weekend I was back in town for a short weekend break. The focal point of the trip was another visit to MoPop (formerly EMP)...
Float plane to Bowen Island
It was a very special experience. Many moons ago I served in the Royal Air Force. I was never based at a flying station as my role was in telecommunications. Strange but true. Ever since relocating to Vancouver I've wanted to take a float plane ride. There's simply a special feeling for me associated...
Hometown tourist – Vancouver Aquarium
I want to learn more about one of my new daily shooters, the Olympus OMD EM-5. Naturally, the best way to find out what the capabilities are is to get out and use the camera. Using the F2.8, 25mm prime (the 'nifty 50' equivalent) I shot these images whilst being a hometown tourist at...