Return to Grouse – on a zipline

Grouse is a year long attraction and in July we took the opportunity of heading back up the mountain to discover its delights ‘sans-snow’. What an amazing transformation. Although signs of snow were still there, it was a real treat to discover that the statues last seen under several metres of snow had been fully revealed. The main purpose of the day was to try out the new zipline, and yes, it was a family outing so we all went for it. It was another fun thing to do and we were far more fortunate than John and Rebecca who made the trip a few weeks later and were washed out. This video is from the longest fastest run where speeds were around 30mph, or so I was told. That’s Elliot in front of me enjoying the ride. It’s a bit of an abrupt end, but I needed to prepare for the landing.

Up a mountain on a zip line

The brakes for each of the 3 runs were provided by a large spring at the end of the zip. The first 2 runs had a mechanism that clipped the zipline trolley to the springs, but the last run had a spring that simply spat you back out again.

More zip lining

As we were tourists for the day we took in the lumberjack show which was a bit of light relief in some ways and also a chance to be impressed at the skills of the guys. The high poles were very, and I mean, very high and during the finale, even though I knew that the ‘drunk’ is secured to the top somehow, my stomach churned away. I won’t be adding this to 100 things to do before I pass on!

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