What else is there to do on a freezing cold New Year’s Eve? Staying indoors would be boring so we decided to head off to North Van and Grouse Mountain. The plan was to go to the top of the mountain and just take in the views. What we didn’t bargain on was the...
First snow of winter
Being a Brit I’m more used to the occasional flurry of snow sometime in April, or possibly June! Well, despite being on the west coast and in the Lower Mainland area of BC which is generally a fairly temperate climate, the first snow fell over the weekend. Have I witnessed panic buying at the...
Rainy day on Georgia
I was downtown meeting with Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR) today and discovered that when it rains in Vancouver, boy, can it rain. On the positive side, it seems that rather than complain about the weather, locals just break out the brolly and get on with life. I captured brolly culture at Georgia...
Light up, rain down
One thing I’ve discovered about Vancouver is that it rains. In fact it rains a lot. Some might say that for a Brit, what could be better, move to somewhere ‘exotic’ and still be able to complain about the rain. Actually, I don’t believe I’m someone that really gets agitated about the weather, and...