It's evocative. It sets the pulse racing. From 1927 to 1957, the Mille Miglia was a road race, starting and finishing in Brescia in the north and travelling as far south as Rome. Established by two counts, Francesco Mazzotti and Aymo Maggi, this was a 1000-mile race for Grand Touring cars. With eleven wins...
Nostalgic driving
I'm excited. I came across Nostalgic while reading Auto Italia. A bespoke tour company, Nostalgic offers classic motoring experiences in Europe....
Show and Shine – cars
My final Show and Shine gallery, cars. Rather than attempt a full three-quarter view I decided to concentrate on capturing a range of front grilles. I didn't spend time removing reflections in the chrome in post, however I did apply a retro 'instamatic' style filter to give a different feeling to the series. The...
Show and Shine – Inside Story
The inside story of Show and Shine Continuing my Show and Shine series, I shot a set of interiors through the nearside window. The only post was minor tweaks of the jpeg as I'm not looking for perfection, simply the practice of returning to manual and thinking about what I'm doing. It's a very...
Show and Shine People
It's all about practice, practice, practice. On a blisteringly hot, cloud free day there was a Show 'n' Shine car meet at a local casino. I wanted to take the opportunity to capture the occasion as a learning project. I'd only decided one thing before heading to the show, that I'd shoot manual apart...
Changing the commute
I’ve recently changed the commute. The second car has gone and in it’s place is transit and a scooter. It’s been a mixed experience, but on the whole a good one. After a year of driving to and from Richmond I decided that I’d have enough of the line-ups along the Mary Hill Bypass...
Rip off Canada
We recently had an issue with a door mirror on the car which led to a perfect example of how “rip off Britain” can be equalled by “rip off Canada”. Unfortunately, whilst backing out of the garage, a door mirror was snapped from it’s mounting by someone other than myself. The car, a Ford...
British Cars at Van Dusen
It’s been a holiday weekend in BC as we celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria (born May 24 1819), the monarch on the throne when BC became a Province of Canada. Now in it’s 23rd year, a show featuring British cars is held at the VanDusen Botanical Gardens on the Saturday of the long...
New wheels, old wheels
When we bought our first car here it was clear that new tyres would be needed on the front of the car fairly soon. The great day arrived and it was one of shock and awe. Okay, the Focus had after market rims fitted, however, I really wasn’t expecting replacement tyres to require a...